Register a New Game

Register New Game

Before integrating Chafkit with your game, you need to register your game to obtain the necessary Game ID and Secret Key. Follow the steps below to register your new game:

  1. From the Chaf Games developer platform homepage, click on the "Publish New Game" button.
  2. In the first step, provide the following information:
    • Title: Enter the title of your game.
    • URL Slug: Specify a unique URL slug for your game.
    • Description: Provide a brief description of your game.
  3. In the second step, complete the following tasks:
    • Tags: Enter relevant tags that describe your game's genre, theme, or features.
    • Thumbnail: Upload a thumbnail image representing your game.
    • Content Rating: Set the appropriate content rating for your game. If required, Chaf Games can assist in setting up the IARC rating system for your game.
  4. After completing the registration process, you can access your Game ID and Secret Key from the top of the game management page.

Note: The Game ID and Secret Key are important credentials that will be used for integrating Chafkit SDK into your game. Keep them secure and confidential.

Congratulations! You have successfully registered your new game on the Chaf Games developer platform. Make sure to note down your Game ID and Secret Key, as you will need them during the Chafkit integration process.

Now you are ready to proceed with initializing Chafkit SDK in your game and unlocking the various features provided by Chaf Games.