Secured Authentication

Secured Authentication

Secured Authentication involves three simple steps:

  1. Issuing an External Token:

    • ChafKit issues an external token for the user.
    • This token represents the user's authentication data.
    • It is signed with a secret key for security.
  2. Sending the Token to Your Game Server:

    • You send the external token to your own game server.
    • This communication should be secure, such as using encryption.
    • The token is securely transmitted to your server.
  3. Decoding, Validating, and Processing the Token:

    • On your game server, you decode and validate the external token.
    • The token's data is extracted, such as user ID or username.
    • Validation ensures the token hasn't been tampered with.
    • You process the user's authentication data as needed.

By following these three steps, you can implement Secured Authentication, allowing you to securely integrate ChafKit with your own game server. This ensures the integrity and security of the authentication process while handling user authentication data.