Initialize ChafKit

Initialize Chafkit

Note: Ensure that you have completed the steps to create a publisher account and register your game before proceeding with the Chafkit integration process.

To integrate Chafkit into your game, you need to install and integrate the Chafkit SDK. Chafkit provides support for Unreal Engine, Unity, C++, and C#. Please note that for now, this documentation only provides guidance for Unreal Engine integration. Support for other environments, including Unity, C++, and C#, will be available by the end of July.

Please note that the specific instructions for integrating Chafkit SDK into your game using Unreal Engine can be found in the respective documentation section. If you are using Unity, C++, or C#, please refer to the documentation that will be available by the end of July.

By integrating Chafkit into your game, you gain access to a range of powerful features that enhance the gaming experience and enable seamless integration with the Chaf Games platform. Stay tuned for the upcoming documentation release to integrate Chafkit into your preferred game development environment.

Let's get started with Chafkit integration!